
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Upcoming Events featuring RC Flight

Did you know that you can use the AMA Event Search tool to find RC events and flying competitions all around the U.S.? You can search by date, state and see all categories or narrow down your search by types of aircraft by making a selection from the drop-down list under Category.  AMA's Event Search Tool

To give customers another way to find Radio Control events, we added a data feed on our site. Check it out and bookmark the page: Find Radio Control Events

RC Copters

Radio Controlled Toys

Recent & Upcoming Events:


Fri.-Sun. 10/1 - 10/3/2010: Heli-Invasion, Robbie Campbell Memorial Airfield, 6836 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Thornburg, VA 22551,

Fri-Sun. 9/24 - 9/26/2010: Warbirds over the Rockies,
Drake Field, just north of Denver, hosted by the Love Air R/C Club of Loveland/Ft. Collins,

Sat.-Sun. September 25th-26th: Texas Shoot-Out 3D Free Style/TAG Program/IMAC Event: over $20,000 worth of prizes to raffle and give away at the event. Over $12,000 in Main Raffle prizes available to anyone, you don't have to be present to win:

Friday, Sat. & Sun. 9/17/2010 - 9/19/2010: Fly for Tots Charity Fly-In, RDRC Field, Youngsville, NC: the 3-day event features jets, aerobatic planes, WWII fighters, live music and great food.  Get more information at


9/11/2010:  On Saturday, September 11, you can see amazing giant-scale RC aircraft – some up to 15-feet long – modeled after all types of standard-size aircraft, including warbirds, aerobatic, jets, vintage, and sport aviation.  The free event will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh Wisconsin between the Main Gate and AeroShell Square on the EAA AirVenture grounds. Concessions will be available.  Giant Scale Model Airplanes


8/19-8/25/2010:   2010 World Championships for Electric Model Aircraft: Thursday August 19th - Weds. August 25th at the Academy of Model Aeronautics, Muncie, IN, USA. F5B Motor Gliders and F5D Pylon Racers.  World Championships for Electric Model Aircraft


Sept. 3 - 5 2010, Labor Day Weekend: Giant Scale Radio Controlled Model Aircraft Show on the runway behind the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB OH. Admission and parking are free.


EF-16 Fighter Jet EDF EP ESC

Early Mornings at the Flying Field

My hubby and I belong to a local flying club that's chartered by the AMA.  The club has a flying field in a beautiful rural area that's a short drive from where we live.  The summer heat has made it tough to get outside and fly for any length of time. The temps here have been in the upper 90's with a heat index over 100 degrees. 

We recently discovered that 7:00 a.m. is the perfect time to fly at the field. The temperature is nice, the humidity is not bad at all, and the winds are calm.  Last Saturday there were deer on the field when we arrived and they watched us for several minutes before they retreated behind the trees. Instead of sleeping in on Saturday mornings, now we  grab some water and Gatorade, spray on some sunscreen and head to the flying field.  It's a great way to start the weekend!

RC Planes and Copters Summer Sale

RC Planes for Beginners