When I first began this blog in the summer of 2010, my husband and I had only been flying radio control airplanes for a little over 5 months, and had yet to try our hands at RC helicopters. Although we had done quite a bit of reading on RC aircraft, from a practical standpoint we started out knowing virtually nothing--except that it sure looked like a lot of fun!—and while we have learned much, we acknowledge that we both have a long way to go to realize our goals as in the hobby. Sometimes at the airfield, I feel I’m still at the early beginner stage and other times, after a particularly good day, I think I’m ready for whatever intermediate level challenges come my way. Sounds kind of like life, hmm? Some days, good; others, not so, or as John Denver sang, “Some days are diamonds, some days are stones.”
Our idea in starting the blog was to write about what we knew concerning RC airplanes and helicopters—admittedly, very little, at first—to get up to speed on technical matters as quickly as possible, and to provide news and information about upcoming events, new products, and any issues or concerns relevant to RC enthusiasts. The idea was to appeal to those at a relatively early stage of the air modeling experience, and to mix in enough news about the hobby to appeal to more experienced fliers as well. Some times I think we’ve done a pretty good job of sticking to that original premise, but in looking back, it is obvious we have occasionally strayed off course--que sera, sera.
I guess what I’m really trying to say is that our blog, like our RC skills, is very much a work in progress, and as we mature in knowledge and competency in the hobby, our blog will hopefully reflect that growth and thus appeal to a wider audience within our fraternity. Having said that, we intend to always keep in mind the needs and interests of those new to RC aviation, and to offer as much advice and provide as much pertinent information to novices as possible. Newcomers are, after all, the lifeblood and future of our sport/pastime, and we all have a responsibility to assist and encourage them in every way we can, just as we have benefited from the kind tutelage of more experienced pilots.
This is probably old hat to you RC pros but noobies might not know that lawnmowers can fly:
Great Prices on RC Airplanes
Save on RC Helicopters
RC Planes and Copters for 18 and under
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